Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Definitive Ranking of Every Song on Taylor Swift's 1989 Album

As promised in my first post, I give you the ranking of every song on Taylor Swift's new album, 1989. I know I'm like the last person to talk about this album, but I think that just makes this ranking more definitive. This order has been proven over the course of like 2 or 3 months. Wow, has it really been that long?

Disclaimer: I did not get her extended, deluxe, super whatever album at Target for two reasons. 1) The closest Target to me in Ohio was over an hour away and 2) I don't even know what I would do with an actual CD. So, I just have the main tracks that you can get from iTunes and everywhere else.

13) "Welcome To New York"

This is the only song on the entire album that I actually kind of dislike. Everything else it just varying degrees of love. But I just find this song a little obnoxious. She is just repeating "Welcome to New York" over and over and over again. I do love the beat, it's just the lyrics that get a little grating. We get it Taylor, you live in New York now. I will admit my opinion on this song has softened slightly since moving to the Big Apple, but it still lands at number 13. On a side note, I've decided I will dedicate approximately 43% of my time in the city to becoming T Swift's new BFF.

Final rating: 5 out of 10 'it's been waiting for yous'

12) "This Love"

For me, this song is just meh. I don't skip it when it comes on, but I also don't seek it out. It's pretty, but also kind of boring. I think Taylor's slow songs usually are pretty boring, but this is much better than some of her other slow songs. I'm looking at you "Last Kiss."

Final rating: 3 out of 5 awkward dancing Swift gifs.

11) "Out of the Woods"

This song falls short for me for the same reasons as "Welcome to New York." Repetition is fun and all, but also kind of lazy and boring. The first time I heard this I wasn't a fan. Like a lot of her songs, it grew on me, but it's still low on the list.

Final rating: 6 out of 13 Harry Styles posters

10) "Clean"

As far as Taylor Swift's slow songs go, I really like this one. It's a really nice finish to the album. Most of the songs on the album have a lot of heavy synth and this is much more relaxing. I don't have anything to complain about in this song. It's mostly perfect.

Final rating: 4% worse than Hilary Duff's version

9) "How You Get the Girl"

Okay. I'm five songs in and this ranking thing is starting to get hard because I honestly love all these songs. This song is at number 9 because, one of them had to be. But I still love this one. It's fun and cute and different. Plus the chorus is super catchy. I dare you not to sing along with it.

Finale rating: 7

8) "All You Had To Do Was Stay"

I honestly couldn't tell you why this is #8. It just is. I love it, just not as much as the others. My only real complaint is not really a complaint, but what is that noise Taylor makes when she sings "stay"? It's eerily similar to that one part in "Trouble."

Final rating: 14 screeching goats

7) "I Wish You Would"

I felt like I would have more to say about these, but I just don't. I love it, but it's not one that would bring me to the album.

Final rating: yes

6) "Wildest Dreams"

I think this is Taylor Swift's best ballad ever. The music, the words, the chorus. It's all perfect. It's hauntingly beautiful. Gosh, I felt so pretentious writing that. Is this how music reviewers always feel?

Final rating: 15.2 gold stars

5) "Style"

I don't know why, but this kind of reminds me of the Jonas Brothers. Just the beginning, but still. Regardless, this song is catchy, fun to sing along to and the verses just build to the chorus.

Final rating: 8 tubes of red lipstick

4) "Shake It Off"

I mean. What is there to say? The song that started it all. I love it. It's catchy and snarky, which is my favorite version of Taylor. And that saxophone. Nothing beats dat sax. The only reason this song isn't higher is because it came out earlier and lost it's newness.

Final rating: 8 out of 10 interpretive dancers

3) "Bad Blood"

This song is awesome. It's really different for T. Swift and I love it. Maybe it's because I never thought I'd hear Taylor Swift sing about blood or the really intense bass, but it's just all around great.

Final rating: 12 Katy Perry wigs

2) "Blank Space"

This song is by far one of Taylor's best. Once again, Taylor's sass and sarcasm comes out and I love it. Also, that video is perfection. This is one of the songs on the album that just gets stuck in your head. The only downside is the use of "lovers." I hate that word.

Final rating: 17 beat up porsches

1) I Know Places

This is probably the most different song on the whole album and I'm obsessed with it. If you played this after a song like "Tim McGraw" or "Teardrops On My Guitar," you'd have a hard time believing they were from the same artist. It's a totally different tune than what we're used to hearing Taylor sing and the lyrics are kind of amazing. I feel like it could be the theme for some dystopian movie. I'm not even sure how this is possible, but I've listened to this song 180 times since October 28. That's a lot. (I'm guessing it got left on repeat while on mute at some point, because as much as I love it, I don't think I've listened to it that much)

Finale rating: 12 out of 13 districts

Well, I think I can cross music reviewer off my list of potential careers. That was way harder than I thought it would be and I don't know why anyone would read this. But I hope someone enjoyed it. Anyone? Bueller??

Let me know, what is your favorite song from the album?


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