Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, New City, New Blog

It's time for a new blog.

I've been wanting to do this for a few month now, but wasn't sure which route to take. I toyed with the idea of resurrecting my old blog, but I really wanted a fresh start. But then I was stuck on a name for this new blog. Everything I came up with was either too cheesy, too generic/already taken, or too stupid—but seriously, there were some real stinkers on the list and I will be taking them to my grave. After many lists, countless prototypes and many late night Google-ings of "how to pick a blog name," I've given up on something creative and catchy and decided to go with the name I use for every social media account: HaleyTaryn.

I feel like if I'm going to really do this blog thing, I should bring you up to speed on the last few months. After graduating from college in June, I moved back in with my family in Ohio. As a college student, you have these wild fantasies that the boss at your dream job will be waiting for you after you walk across that stage, arms open, ready to whisk you away to a good salary with health benefits. First real world lesson: that does not happen.

Regardless of how many friends have graduated before you or how many articles you've read about underemployed college graduates, you never think it will happen to you. But there I was, for six months, unemployed (or underemployed, if we're counting my part-time, seasonal job at a department store). So I wrote what felt like hundreds of cover letters and distracted myself from unemployment the best way I knew how: YouTube.

But finally, after six months of applying, and just as I was mentally preparing to spend the first few months of 2015 in Ohio, I got a job and I'm moving to New York City!! I am so excited for this job and so grateful to finally have the new start I've been craving since June.

Back to the blog.

I have a lot of things I want to do here. Too many, probably, but I'm going to attempt them all. I do promise that this won't just be a travelogue of everything semi-interesting I do in New York. If you want to see that stuff you can follow me on Instagram (@haleytaryn), where I'm sure to post a disgusting number of pictures of skylines, Subway tiles, and cronuts.

But like I said, I want this blog to be more than that. I have a lot of interests and this blog is going to cover them all.

Here are a few things I will probably write about:
  • Music: If I had been blogging a month ago when Taylor Swift's album came out, I would have ranked all the tracks. I mean, I'll probably still do that, but that's an example of me writing about music.
  • Food: From time to time, I like to cook and bake. And from time to time, the things I make are delicious. So, I hereby solemnly swear to share said recipes with you...if I get around to actually typing them up.
  • Makeup & Fashion: I mentioned I've spent a lot of time on YouTube, where I discovered the joys—and dangers—of beauty bloggers. They're seriously addicting and encourage me to spend way more money than I should on makeup. I'll be sharing products that I love and tips that I've almost certainly learned from all these much more talented and qualified beauty bloggers.
  • Health: Aren't eat healthier and exercise on everyone's list of New Year's Resolutions? They're on mine. I will use this blog to share those health things with you, too!
  • And whatever else I want to blog about 
If any of that interests you, stick around. If it doesn't, then don't. Or do. Really, just do whatever you want because that's what I'll be doing.


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