Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Resolution

If you're not already sick of hearing about everyone's New Year's resolution, keep reading.

I have a love/hate relationship with New Year's resolutions. The logical part of me knows how dumb it is to think we have to wait for a new year to make changes. But the same part of me that thinks I can only start a diet or exercise regimen on Monday, loves how January 1st feels. There is something so exciting about a brand new year. Like so many others, I've taken to creating resolutions to help start the year off right. If my history with resolutions is any indication, they don't always (or usually) last the whole year. But just because your deodorant doesn't last all day, it doesn't mean you shouldn't put it on in the first place.

For me, New Year's resolutions have had mixed results.

One year, I resolved to tweet more. Extremely vague and unimportant, I know. But I went from 300 tweets in January to over 1,000 in December. Success.

Another year I decided to eat gluten free, avoid sugar and observe Meatless Mondays. I went 3 or 4 months without gluten, but didn't do so well avoiding meat on Mondays or sugar. Mild success/failure.

Then, of course, there are years that I very optimistically resolved to run half marathons and save more money. One look at my bank account and you'll know how well I succeeded at the latter. Complete failure.

But maybe I just needed more motivation. Maybe posting my resolutions online for the world to see will help me stick to them. Maybe not, but it's worth a shot right?

Without further adieu, my New Year's resolutions for 2015:
  • Read/listen to a book every week. When I mentioned this resolution to someone other than my bookworm sister, they thought I was crazy and wondered if that was even possible. I think it is. Is it possible for me to do? We shall see. I've been wanting to read more and how cool would it be to say I read 52 books in 2015. I think that's awesome. Maybe I'll use this blog as a bit of a book club. I'll definitely keep you up to date on the book I'm reading. 
  • Blog more. Given I've started a new blog, I want to get better at this blogging thing. I see so many people that are so good at it and I want to be good at it, too!
  • Run a half marathon. I've made this resolution in past years (see para. 6), but this year I have my brother and sister-in-law to do it with. Hopefully that whole strength in numbers thing proves true.
  • Learn. I've only recently realized how much I miss learning. You never think about it when you're in school. Now that I've graduated, I miss it more than I thought I would. Education is wasted on students, right? So I really want to take the time this year to learn about new things. Thanks to "Serial," I've become obsessed with listening to podcasts while I get ready every morning and there are so many educational and interesting programs out there! I'll also be living in NYC, where there are hundreds of museums that I can't wait to visit. Plus, I've committed to reading a book a week. That's pretty educational, if I do say so myself. Which I do.
I think overall, my goal for this year is to become more engaged (not necessarily to a man). I want to waste less time on Netflix, YouTube and Facebook. I want to do more things that give me a sense of accomplishment.

I am really excited about all my resolutions and I hope you're excited about yours, too. Let me know what you've resolved to do/become this year! May the force be with us all.


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