Wednesday, February 4, 2015

These Are My Confessions, Pt. 1

I need to get something off my chest.

I don't get all the Beyonce love. There. I said it.

Don't get me wrong, I like her music. I actually love a lot of her music, but I must have missed the day when we crowned her as Queen of America. But really. It all happened so fast. One day she was Beyonce, the only successful one from Destiny's Child and married to Jay-Z, then the overnight she became some kind of American royalty who can do no wrong. Someone please tell me? Did I miss something? I just don't get it. I've kept these feelings inside for a long time because I was afraid of the "Beygency." But I can't keep quiet any longer. Beyonce is overrated.

But like Usher, I have many more confessions. Not a pregnant mistress, but confessions nonetheless.

These are my confessions.

I actually enjoy Twilight. Not in a "haha aren't these so bad?" way but in an "I'm on team Edward" way. I've read all the books...twice. I've seen all the movies. I not only saw them in theaters, but I went to midnight showings. I even saw some of them multiple times while they were in the theaters. I paid $10 on multiple occasions to see these awful movies. I know they're bad. I have eyes and ears. But they're a guilty pleasure.

I haven't read Harry Potter. I know what you're thinking. "How can you read Twilight multiple times, yet never read the greatest series of our generation?" I know. I'm ashamed of it. I'm disgusted with myself. I've tried. Twice. It's just hard reading a book for the first time when you already know how it's going to end. If it makes up for it, I've seen all the movies, multiple times. I've been sorted on Pottermore (I am a proud member of Slytherin). I just haven't quite read the books. I will... someday. I know I will. I just haven't yet. This is my secret shame.

I still like Miley Cyrus. For years I was a Miley defender. When she danced on a stripper pole at the TCAs, I defended her. When she dressed up as a bird and writhed around on a bed, I overlooked it as growing up. But as Miley got more and more crazy, my defense of her had to go underground. I still love her and I've come to the realization that I will defend her to my grave. Bangerz is basically amazing. I know it's crap, but it is really good crap.

I don't wish people happy birthday on Facebook. I actually refuse to. So next time your birthday rolls around, don't expect a lame birthday wish from me. I guess my thinking is, if I want to wish you a happy birthday (meaning you're someone I'm close enough with to do so), I'm going to do it in a more personal way than Facebook. That way may be a text, but at least that shows that I actually have your phone number. I mean, when I get birthday messages from people I haven't spoken to since middle school, I know it's not sincere. They don't actually know when my birthday is, nor do they really care how my day was. They just feel obligated to wish me a happy birthday because Facebook brought it to their attention. In fairness, I hereby release you all from feeling obligated to post "Happy Birthday" on my Facebook ever again.

I'm a recovering hoarder. Not of things like clothes or makeup or knick knacks or normal things. I was once a hoarder of school work. Like, I kept binders and folders full of notes and assignments for years. When I went away to college, I wanted to bring along my high school work. I thought, maybe I would take a class where I would need those notes. I didn't. I never did. To my fellow nerd hoarders, you will never need those notes or English papers again. You can and should throw them away. Move on. Also, I do kinda hoard clothes, but only a little.

Until recently, I couldn't remember what a prime number was or how to do long division. I'm just not a math person. I know I learned those things at one point, I just didn't use them that often and never thought too much about them. I'm not stupid. I swear. My memory of basic math has been refreshed, but I'm still not very good at it. Fractions are of Satan. I blame public education.

I don't love Nutella. It's good, but not amazing. I don't feel the need to put it on anything and everything. There are better things. But I will say, one of those things is not peanut butter. I like peanut butter by itself, but peanut butter desserts and things of the like are just not my thing.

Sometimes I like to put in my headphones and turn the music up really loud and pretend I'm in a movie. But that's not really a confession because we all do that.
